Tuesday, December 15, 2009

4. GET OUT OF DEBT (specifically, credit card debt).

12/15/09 --- We are 12.6% paid off!! Woot. Feels good to look at the difference from August. Slow and steady, and paying for everything new with cash. (I just looked at the title for this one, and it's really not just credit card debt. Also included in the total are the car loan and student loans.)

--- We're under $1,000 from 10%!! We have been fairly strict about using the credit cards and only pay for things if we actually have the cash. Still owe a lot but it's going down!

02/09/09 --- We're working on this still. I wish I had the balls to write the figures down and update it every month, but it's better that you don't know. So the cruise and the whole vacation is paid off, which is cool. We have a couple of people to pay off and then we're back to paying off the man. I guess I'll put percentages paid off here. Once we get to 10%, I'll post that. The plan is not to go on a vacation until next summer for the reunion and to put everything I make toward our debt. Suze Orman would be proud.

40. Get an Article Published

12/15/09 --- Forgot that this was even on here. Will start thinking about it again!

--- I've been thinking a lot lately about what to DO with the future. Law school? Grad school? Could I just write and research and not be IN academia? So, my goal for the next year is to research something historical and then write a piece that is published somewhere, preferably in print, but not sure that matters anymore. Black flight from Manhattan following the Draft Riots anyone? For me that's exciting stuff. I'd like to sit in a room surrounded by books and old documents. No teaching...so that's where the grad school thing kind of gets stuck.